Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Wintersett 2nd Bonxie 15.10.13

10°C, mild and cloudy with an easterly wind.
ACP Vis Mig: The vis mig highlight today occurred early on when an adult GREAT SKUA - only Wintersett's second ever - flew south past the CP watch point at 09.05. It was thankfully soon relocated on Wintersett Res where it showed well to 11.25,  before flying back to the ACP Lake, from where it finally flew off high to the west at 12.25 (PM, AS et al).

Also:  6 Wigeon  circled over then flew to the south at 08.55hrs,  before going high north at 09.15hrs.  Brambling 1SE,  Redwing 110 NE,  Meadow Pipit 2 S,  Skylark 5 S.  A small but notable NW passage of 167 (+ 5 this morning) continental Starlings occurred late afternoon.
ACP:  Wigeon 46 and Rock Pipit 1.
Wintersett Res: An unusually confiding drake Common Scoter off the east bank of  WRes. was also very nice to see. 
Here's a small selection of pictures for your enjoyment, taken by Paul Meredith.


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