Sunday 19 January 2020

Wintersett Hat Trick for Pete Smith 19.01.20

0 - 4 degrees with 0/8 cloud but increasing  by late afternoon with a light south westerly breeze and a super sunset.
Wintersett Res: The adult, female Long-tailed Duck was close inshore, off the east bank all day.
More pics per @mhemingway2
A male Cetti's Warbler was on the north bank.  
Anglers CP + Gull Roost: Pete Smith's good fortune continued today when he found a 1st Winter female Ferruginous Duck at 16.05hrs,  followed by  3rd W Iceland Gull in the roost at 16.35hrs.  making it a hatrick for him over the weekend.  A Raven was over the field early morning and was heard calling occasionally, in the same area up to 11.10hrs.  Little Grebe 4.  Wigeon 215.  Cormorant 22.  Shoveler 5.. A Barn Owl was hunting past the hide at 16.40hrs. 
3 Birds were ringed ACP: 2 Redwing and a Blue Tit.

Ferruginous Duck 1stW female    ACP   SDenny

Long-tailed Duck adult female     WRes.   SDenny

Iceland Gull 3rd W           ACP     SDenny

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