Thursday, 7 October 2021

Wintersett + Vis.Mig. 07.10.2021

 Wintersett Vis.Mig:

Another excellent Pink-footed Goose day with 2, 222 counted by 

Graham Speight and Steve Denny. 

791 going west in 10 skeins and 1431 going south east and east in 9 skeins. 

Going west: 

Redwing 11.

Going south:

Swallow 5. 

Going north: 

Jay 2 over high. 

Wintersett Res:

Little Egret 2 flew in.  Goldeneye 3.  House Martin 14.

Anglers CP:

Great Black-backed Gull 1.  Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult.  Snipe 10.

Wigeon 19 + WRes..   Pochard  10 + 9 WRes..  

Chiffchaff 2  + 2 males north bank WRes.. + 1 Moorhouse Lane Pond. 


A Small White and a  Red Admiral on Haw Park Lane.   

A Comma at Wintersett Village.  A Speckled Wood at Moorhouse Lane Ponds


A Common Darter  - Haw Park Lane.   

4 Migrant Hawker 4 and 4 Ruddy Darter - Moorhouse Lane Ponds.


A pencil thin young Grass Snake,  seen at Wintersett today,  confirms that

breeding is successfully taking place!

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