Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Wintersett + Vis.Mig. + Insects 05.10.2021

 Wintersett Res:

Cetti's Warbler 4 males 

1 east bank,  1 south west corner,  1 ruin area   and 1 male south east Cold Hiendley Res..

Chiffchaffs - 1 ruin area,  1 Pits Wood,  1 north east bank,  1 boathouse. 

Goldeneye 5.  House Martin 10. 

Anglers CP + Vis.Mig.

Going west:

Pink-footed Goose 86 +  14 over Wintersett Res..

Going south: 

Swallow 8 + 2 over Wintersett Res.

Going south west:

Siskin 1. 


2 Speckled Wood,  3 Red Admiral and a Comma,  Pits Wood. 


Migrant Hawker 3 west bank clump.


A Hornet was on ivy south east, Wintersett Res..

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