Sunday, 20 December 2020

Wintersett 19.12.20 and 20.12.20

 Wintersett  19.12.20

8 - 10 degrees with sun and a light south westerly.  Cloud increasing in the afternoon.

Another quiet day.  

Wintersett Res.: Shoveler 42.  A Chiffchaff in the north east corner and Siskin  1 flew over.


 Wintersett 20.12.20

5 - 8 degrees with 3/8, but increasing cloud, and a light south westerly.

Anglers CP:  Pintail 3 south.   The male Stonechat is still in the north west field.

Walton Hall: Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult.

Cold Hiendley Sewage Works: Chiffchaff 5.  Grey Wagtail 3.  Green Sandpiper 1. 

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