Monday, 22 February 2021

22/2/21 Midhope Res / Low Moor / Langsett area

Arrived at Midhope Res early afternoon as the sun appeared. A Goldcrest, Song Thrush, Chaffinch and several Robins sang. A Kestrel alarmed a Grey Wagtail pair on the spillway/overflow. 3 Oystercatchers sat on the dam wall and the water held 5 Wigeon, a Goldeneye pair, a trilling Little Grebe and 2 pairs of Tufted Ducks.

A group of 22 Curlew flew from Low Moor towards Langsett and a Buzzard circled above. Low Moor held c60 Lapwing and a further 94 were in a single group north of Langsett. 

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