Thursday, 11 February 2021

Carlton Marsh

Our wildlife group volunteers were hard at it this morning cutting back trees in the Western Meadow. Later on a group of about 30 Siskins flew over us and dropped into trees on the embankment. That's the most we have had so far this year. A cold weather movement perhaps.

Meanwhile JP was birding on the embankment when a skein of Pink Feet called (unseen) in the distance and seemed to be heading NW at 09.30hrs. The scrape held 30 Herring, c100 BH Gulls and 10 Canada Geese. 

This afternoon a Tawny Owl flew from the Western Meadow to its usual roost on the embankment at 14.30hrs. The feeder near the green shed was busy with c10 Great Tits and c15 Blue Tits (Dave Smith).

A Barn Owl was reported in the early hours of yesterday flying over nearby Royston Road heading towards the Marsh (per JP).

Cudworth Common
The highlights today were 60 Fieldfares mixed with a few Redwings, 2 Kestrels, 40 Goldfinches, 8 Siskins, 1 Redpoll, 11 Skylarks 2 Song Thrushes, c60 Yellow Buntings and 20 Reed Buntings. 40 Lapwings and a probable Ringed Plover were in the Symphony compound (Les & Andrew Corrall/John Clarkson)

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