Sunday, 31 August 2014

Wintersett Sunday

A lighter westerly breeze (f2-3) with a mostly sunny day. Well, Sunday was very similar to Saturday for visible migration - hardly any birds moving, but unfortunatly today there were no highlights either. The best of a morning session are;- Common Buzzard 1 south (plus 6 locals), Swallow 78 south, House Martin 21 south, Meadow Pipit 10 south, yawn....zzzzz. 'Psycho' the adult Yellow-legged Gull spent most of the day stood on his raft on the Country Park, the four hybrid Canada/Barnacle Geese are still here, Pochard 28, Goldeneye 1, Common Sandpiper 1, Swift still 8 over the Top Res and a Nuthatch in Pits Wood. And Edderthorpe was no better early morning with virtually no change from yesterday;- Shoveler 90, Pochard 10, Little Egret 5.

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