Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Wintersett 29.10.14

3°C with 2/8 cloud and a light south easterly.  A cold but productive morning.
Anglers CP Vis Mig:  06.30 - 12.00    16200 Wood Pigeons  moved through SW in numerous parties of all shapes & sizes, often at great height, with a mega flock of 2600 at 07.05 hrs and several others in excess of 1000 birds for the first hour,   but almost completely over by 08.00.
Also going SW - Golden Plover 7,  Skylark 26,  Fieldfare 5 and Redwing 8. 
Going west:  Starlings were on and off all morning with a maximun party of 350 and a final total of  3070.     Mistle Thrush 5  and Chaffinch 1.
Also seen: 6 Whoopers flew NE and 14 came in from NW and landed on WRes. at 09.35hrs.   A total of 240 Pink-footed Geese- 200NW + 40 W.    Jackdaw 30 S,  Buzzard 1 S,  alba Wagtail 1 S,  Lesser Redpoll 1 E
Anglers CP:  42 Cormorant  (14 present were joined by 16 + 12 from the west) and 27 Goosander  that also dropped in from the west,  presumably having been flushed from Bretton park due to maintenance work there.

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