Thursday 21 November 2019

Carlton Marsh

This morning our group were busy removing scrub from viewpoints on the disused railway embankment. A little earlier Little Egret, 20 Teal and 20 Herring Gulls were on the wader scrape with others arriving as I left. The only birds of note were 3 Fieldfares and 2 Siskins.

While Keith was looking for black bags to put litter in, he found a mouse in the metal dustbin in the hide. When Ralph Hibbert and I looked later we emptied it and found 5 Wood Mice in there. You have never seen such healthy mice, they were obviously thriving on the wild bird seed I store in there and must have been in there for weeks/months. The rubber lid was still on so they must have sneaked in between the rim of the bin and the rubber lid. They were released nearby, but I wouldn't be surprised if they soon come back!

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