Monday, 21 June 2021

Wintersett 21.06.2021

Anglers CP:

Lapwing 26 on the shallows.   Oystercatcher  6 adults.  

Wintersett Res:

Common Tern 4.   A drake Pochard flew over.

Cold Hiendley Res: 

Goldeneye 1 female. 


A Large Skipper was seen at Anglers CP: 

Mirid Bug:   Grypocoris stysi seen at Wintersett Res..   

 Many thanks to Mike Denton for identification.


 Grypocoris stysi   Wintersett Res.  ASmith

A conspicuous bug found widely throughout the UK, usually on nettles in woodland, and sometimes umbellifers and white bryony. The adults and larvae feed on both flower heads as well as small invertebrates such as aphids.

The chequered pattern of light yellow-white areas and striking orange-yellow cuneus make confusion with other species unlikely.

Eggs hatch in May and nymphs become adult in June and July, rarely surviving much beyond August.
Length 6-8 mm.

Follow Link for more images.


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