Saturday, 1 October 2022

Wintersett + Vis.Mig. 01.10.2022

Anglers CP Vis.Mig:

Going north:

3 Spoonbill  flew north at 07.25hrs.  

These birds had been at Edderthorpe yesterday!

Going south:

Goosander 8.  (Also 4 on Wintersett Res.)   House Martin 20.  Swallow 12.

Going east: 

Pink-footed Goose  176 in 4 skeins. 

Going  west:

3 Brambling.   49 Redwing.   31 Skylark - west/south.

Anglers CP: 

Little Egret 1.   Great Black-backed Gull 2 adults.  

Botany Dell:

Blackcap 1.

Wintersett Res:

The Great White Egret flew out of the 'Mousehole' on the south bank. 16.10hrs.

Lepidoptera ACP:

Red Admiral 1. 

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