Saturday, 8 April 2023

Carlton Marsh

Friday 7th April. A Reed Warbler singing was the earliest ever by 8 days! (JP/DM Smith). A female Blackcap was also seen (L & A Corrall).

Saturday 8th April
Single Willow Warbler, Blackcap and Reed Warbler were singing. A Swallow and 2 House Martins flew north (R. Laverack/M. Littlewood).
2 Grey Partridges were in the old Carlton Pit yard and 2 red-legged Partridges were in a nearby horse field. 
A female Grass Snake swam in front of the hide and a clump of St Georges Mushroom were fruiting. (CG/M. Littlewood).
At Mid-day the following insects were noted. 16 Peacock, 12 Small Tortoiseshell, 13 Comma, 2 Speckled wood, 2m Brimstone, 14 Orange-tip, 5 Small White and 1 Green Veined White. 14 Bee Fly included 2 that were mating. (C. Parkin).

A 'Commic' Tern flew north over the Grove in Upper Cudworth at 17.00hrs (JP).

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