Wednesday, 26 April 2023

Wintersett 26.04.2023

 Anglers CP:

2 Shelduck were on 07.02hrs. (PM)

The Green Sandpiper was on the west bank. 07.07hrs (PM).  Steve Denny had a Green Sandpiper in a muddy puddle on the Disposal Point at 17.05hrs..  

Common Sandpiper 2. Common Gull 1 adult.

A Lesser Whitethroat was around the Pol Hide + 1 male in the car park.

 Lesser Redpoll 1.   A Fieldfare flew west.  Snipe 1.  

Wintersett Res:

2 very small young Mallards were off the west bank.  

A Treecreeper was on the south bank.

5 male Whitethroats were in the area.

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