Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Wintersett 08.01.13

Mild and grey again. 
Wintersett Res: 2 male Scaup.  Pink-footed Goose  140 flew west at 11.15hrs. The Gull Roost here held nothing notable tonight.
Anglers CP: Female Long-tailed Duck,  Wigeon 164,  Snipe 5.
Highlight today was a 1st winter Caspian Gull which flew off north west from ACP at 13.45 hrs.  It was then seen at Pugneys during the afternoon, before returning to Anglers CP roost this evening. This roost only attracted 30 large gulls - but did include the aforementioned Caspian Gull and also a 2nd W Yellow-legged Gull.

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