8°C, calm and mild with fog and drizzle. Around mid morning the fog cleared with a light nort easterly.
Anglers CP: Carlton Dream Team had a
2nd W Mediterranean Gull on the rocks at 10.40 until it left north at 10.50hrs. Golden Plover 35 over, Snipe 18 and greylag Goose 129.
Anglers CP Gull Roost: It was another interesting roost tonight. The usual adult Yellow-legged Gull came in at 14.35hrs, followed by the usual, (large),
3rd W Caspian at 14.58, thought to be a male. At 15.20hrs last nights, (small)
3rd W Caspian came in. This bird is thought to be a female. When she was near the rafts the large, (male) 3rd W Caspian swam out of the main flock of big gulls, and headed straight towards her, calling, and bowing his head. The call was similar to that of an Eider duck. When he swam close to her, she feigned indifference and swam off slowly. The
adult Caspian came in at 15.58hrs and the Polish ringed,
adult Mediterranean Gull came in at 16.10 hrs.
Many thanks to Ralph Hibbert using Les Corral's 'scope for the following photo.
2nd W Med Gull ACP RH/LC |
Many thanks to Tom Grose, @tomgoose144, for the following photos.
(Large/male?) 3rdW Caspian Gull ACP TG |
(Small/female?) 3rdW Caspian ACP TG |
Small and large 3rdW Caspian Gulls ACP TG |
Polish ringed, adult Med. Gull ACP TG |
The magnificent 'Psycho' - adult YL Gull ACP TG | | | | | | |
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