Thursday 5 September 2019

Wintersett + VisMig + Insects 05.09.19

13 - 16 degrees,  cool with 1/8 but increasing cloud  and a moderate westerly wind.
Anglers CP VisMig:
Going south: An Osprey at 07.35hrs.  2 Red Kite at 08.45hrs.  Meadow Pipit 145.  Sand Martin 3. Grey Wagtail 3.  A Mistle Thrush went south west.
The earliest ever autumn Pink-footed Geese 31 east at 07.42hrs and 38 south east at 08.03 hrs.
Going east: Yellow Wagtail 1.
Anglers CP: Lapwing 450.  A Willow Warbler was in the east bank meadow.  Swift 10
Cold Hiendley Res: Wigeon 6.
Hymenoptera: 2 Hornets were on the west bank CHRes. One caught a Common Blue Damselfly and ate it.
Lepidoptera: A Comma, a Red Admiral and a Peacock were in Haw Park Wood.  A Small Tortoiseshell was at CHRes..

Osprey                   ACP   PMeredith
Earliest ever Pink-footed Geese         ACP    PMeredith

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