Thursday, 7 January 2021

Carlton Marsh

This morning on the wader scrape 97 Herring Gulls, 2 Common Gulls, 80 Black Headed Gulls. Elsewhere Willow Tit, 2 Coal Tits and Great Spot Woodpecker on the feeder again. 2 Redwings and Buzzard (JP).

This afternoon 2 Song Thrushes, 15+ Blackbirds, single Redpoll, 3 Jays and 33 Gadwall. 35 Herring Gulls included an adult with a yellow Darvic ring left leg Y .G11. 1 GBB Gull, c300 BH Gulls and 3 Lapwings were stood on the ice. 2 Foxes were prowling around the scrape looking for an east meal (Dave Smith)

Just one male Blackcap to Dave Smith's Carlton garden feeder this morning.

Meanwhile the rest of us continued to cut down unwanted scrub and trees in the Western Meadow.

Herring Gull It looks like Y:G11 (Dave Smith)

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