Monday 16 September 2024

Wintersett 16.09.2024

 Anglers CP:

Blue sky and hot sun all day!

2 Little Egrets and 2 Grey Herons were the best of a poor show!

Sunday 15 September 2024

Carlton Marsh

A Common Sandpiper was present for the 14th day along with 2 Lapwings, Cetti's Warbler and a Kingfisher. Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers were around and 20 + 20 Swallows moved through (K. Bannister/D. Standish).

Very unusual was a Willow Warbler that sang in nearby Cudworth Park. Most have have usually left by now (JP).

Wintersett 15.09.2024 Pete Smith

Anglers CP:

Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult.   Yellow Wagtail 1 south.

2 Pintail were on CP. (PM).

Wigeon 4.  Shoveler 48.  Teal 13.  Pochard 41.

23 Mistle Thrush on Haw Park Lane this morning. (SD)

Wintersett Res:

07.15hrs: Steve Denny 

2 Goosanders flew south, appeared to drop in WRes., but couldn't see them.

Haw Park:

Hobby 3.

Saturday 14 September 2024

Carlton Marsh

5 Shoveler, 28 Teal, Water Rail, Little Egret, Common Sandpiper, 20 Pink Feet SE at 11.00hrs, Cormorant south. 

Hirundine passage around mid-day saw 10+11+9 Swallows and 15 + 4 House Martins quickly moving south. Also present Great Spotted Woodpecker, Blackcap, Chiffchaff and Cetti's warbler (JP/CG)

Insects included 1m Brimstone, 14 Red Admiral, 8 Comma, 1 Peacock, 1 Small Tortoiseshell (the first since July), 1 Meadow Brown, 39 Speckled Wood, 12 Large White an 60 unidentified White species. Migrant and Southern Hawker were on the wing (C. Parkin) and a female Willow Emerald was ovipositing in a dead Willow branch in the Old School Pond (CG). 

Also Yellow-bellied Slider, Fox and and a Jack Pike on the dike near the hide (K. Bannister) 

                               Southern Hawker (Chris Parkin)


Wintersett + Ringing + Insects P.Smith, R.Bailey 14.09.2024

Wintersett Res:

A Stonechat was on the west bank.

6 Goosanders flew over.  Sand Martin 2.

Pink-footed Geese:

17 flew south + 45 south + 16 west + 29 west + 9 east.

Haw Park Wood:

Hobby 3.

Anglers CP: Garganey 1.   

54 birds were ringed this morning.

Highlights: Chiffchaff 24,  Goldcrest 2,  Blackcap 7,

Reed Warbler 8,  Sedge Warbler 2, Reed Bunting 1.

Insects - Wintersett Res:   P.Smith,  R.Bailey

Green-veined White 1.   Small White 1.  Comma 2.

Brown Hawker 2.

Friday 13 September 2024

Carlton Marsh

c50 Pink Feet heading ENE at 11.45hrs on Thursday 12th were our first of the autumn (Russ. J. Boland).

Today 13th there were 3 Common Sandpipers on the Wader Scrape (John Finch/Dave Standish).

South Kirkby Industrial Park
4 Swallows and 3 House Martins. 
Butterflies included 2 Red Admiral, 26 Comma, 13 Speckled Wood, 5 Common Blue, 1 Brown Argus, 1 Small Copper, 19 Large White plus 132 unidentified White species (Chris Parkin).

Wintersett + Ringing 13.09.2024

Haw Park Wood: 

Hobby 3.

Anglers CP:

Little Egret 3 + 1 west over WRes..

Garganey 1.  Sand Martin 2.  Common Sandpiper 1 (MWeir).

Pink-footed Goose - 770 SE in 14 Skeins.  and 77 NW in 3 skeins.

Sand Martin 2 ACP.   Goosander 1 redhead into CP  08.35hrs. 

Snipe 2 CP + 1 west.  2 Pintail  flew into ACP at 11.02hrs.

Haw Park Lane: 

Mistle Thrush 23. (Steve Denny)

18 Birds were Ringed on the POL:

Chiffchaff 5.   Blackcap 10.   Robin 2. BlueTit 1. 

Common Sandpiper 1 (M. Weir)

Wintersett Res:

Swift 2.  Goldeneye 1 female.  

Black- tailed Godwit  7 north at 10.23hrs.


A Small White butterfly was on Haw Park Lane. 

A Speckled Wood was seen on Anglers CP. 

Thursday 12 September 2024

Wintersett + Vis.Mig. 12.09.2024

 Anglers CP:

Marsh Harrier 1 dark juvenile flew west at 09.20.   Alba Wagtail 35. 

Hobby 2 (adult + juvenile).   Little Egret 2.  Sand Martin 4 + 1 WRes.

Green Woodpecker 1.  Meadow Pipit 58 south. 

Pink-footed Goose 642 in 16 skeins, very high up,  heading  East or South east.

Wintersett Res:

Swallow 100.  Black Tern 1 juvenile.  House Martin 400.  Swift 3 (GJS et al.)

Great Crested Grebe 40 + 10 ACP.   Shoveler 29. 

Peregrine 1 juvenile female.   Golden Plover 1 east.  

5 Red Kites flew over the area.  58 Meadow Pipits flew south.

Cold Hiendley: A Raven flew over north.   (GJS, PM, AS.)


Green-veined White 1 NE,  WRes..  A Large White in boathouse reeds.

Botany Bay:  

Kingfisher 1.  Red Admiral 1, Reed Warbler 1 and Whitethroat 1.

Brown Hawker 1 at 11.55hrs.

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Wintersett 11.09.2024

Anglers CP: (PS)

Shoveler 11.   Teal 12.   Garganey 1 juvenile.

Wigeon 1 + 9 WRes.   Little Egret 2.  Sand Martin 4.

Black Tern 1 juvenile.  Common Sandpiper 1.

Botany Bay.  Kingfisher 1  + 1 ACP.

Wintersett Res: 

A juvenile female Peregrine flew over. 

Hobby 1 juvenile.  A Whitethroat was on the northeast bank.(PS,AS)

Lepidoptera: (SD)

A Large White was on the east bank WRes.

A Willow Emerald was on the south bank Cold Hiendley Res., east of sewage works.

Botany Bay: Odonata (PS)

Common Darter 1.  Brown Hawker 2.  

Small Red-eyed Damselfly 1 male. 

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Carlton Marsh

A Common Sandpiper spent its 9th day on the wader scrape. 31 Canada Geese were on the main scrape. 

6 Mistle Thrushes, 3 Red-legged Partridges and a Meadow Pipit were on the nearby fields (JP/CG).

Wintersett 10.09.2024

Anglers CP:

Teal 9.   Pintail 4 south.  Lapwing 200.

Meadow Pipit 41  south.

Wintersett Res: 

Sand Martin 5.  Wigeon 7.  Hobby 2.   

 Mistle Thrush 16 in north bank field.

Swallow 300.   House Martin 400. 

Monday 9 September 2024

Wintersett 09.09.2024

Wintersett Res:

Black Tern 1 Juvenile.

A  Cream-crowned Marsh Harrier flew over Cold Hiendley Fields.

Kingfisher 2.  Pochard 27.    Wigeon 7.  Hobby 2.   

Little Grebe 9 + 1 ACP.

Anglers CP:

Garganey 1 juvenile on the shallows. (SD).  Little Egret 3. 

 A singing male Cetti's Warbler was in the south west corner.

Wheatear on the Hill list, seen on the shallows rocks. (SD). -that takes the total to 83! (PM)

Sunday 8 September 2024

Wintersett + Moths + Mammals. 08.09.2024

Anglers CP:

Overnight moth trapping, by Pete Smith, was fantastic last night,

with an amazing number of migrant moths and hordes of other moths.


The highlightwas, without doubt,  a Convolvulus Hawkmoth, a new species for the area! 


A Delicate was also a new species for the area!   Pete Smith  08.09.2024

There were also 4 small Mottled Willows,  2 Scarce Bordered Straw,

 2 Clifden Nonpareil,   10 Vine Rustics and a Bulrush Wainscott!


Clifden Nonpareil    Peter Smith

Anglers CP:

Wigeon 8 west.  Common Sandpiper 1.  Little Egret 1.  

Sand Martin 8.  Hobby 3 Haw Park.  

A male Cetti's Warbler in south west corner. 

Mammal Trapping:

Bank Vole 13.  Wood Mouse 12.  Field Vole 1.  Common Shrew 3. 

Saturday 7 September 2024

Carlton Marsh

Last night's moth session with Chris Parkin and Melvyn White produced 19 species that included  6 Old Lady, 7 Copper Underwing, 2 Angle Shades, 5 Centre Barred Sallow, 3 Common Wainscot and 5 Dusky Thorn.

Anglers CP + Ringing 07.09.2024

Anglers CP: 

Common Sandpiper 1.   Ringed Plover 1 juv. down.

Redshank 4 flying around 06.55hrs.,  left NE 07.05hrs.

A Garganey and a Little Egret were in the shallows.   

Wigeon 2.   Hobby 3 + 1 flew over at 10.35hrs.

65 Birds were ringed at Wintersett: - west bank clump:  

P.Smith, R. Bailey.

Chiffchaff 25 west bank.  Willow Warbler 1.   Blackcap 4.

Whitethroat 1.  Reed Warbler 7.   Sedge Warbler 3.

Cetti's Warbler 1 juvenile male. Grey Wagtail 2.  

Odonata: Brown Hawker 1.


Grey Wagtail  WRes.    R.Bailey

Friday 6 September 2024

Carlton Marsh

A Snipe and a Common Sandpiper on the wader scrape (K. Bannister). 

2 single Wheatears and 2 single Whinchats and 3 Red-legged Partridges were present on the east side of the reserve (L & A Corrall).

Also Cetti's Warbler, Kingfisher, and 7 Blackcaps were ringed. A Vapourer moth was present (CG).

A Red Kite was seen over Pontefract Road in Upper Cudworth at 16.10hrs (G. Miller)

The vegetation on the island in the scrape was back (YWT Volunteers)

Anglers CP: Vis.Mig. 06.09.2024

Anglers CP:  Paul Meredith,  Steve Denny. Pete Smith.

Going east:  Ravens 2 east at 07.56hrs.   

Going north:  Spoonbill 2 at 09.02hrs.

2 Curlew flew west.  Common Sandpiper 1.  

Yellow Wagtail 1 flew south CP. 

Red Kite 1.   Snipe 1.  Magpie 17.

A juvenile Common Gull flew south.

Little Egret 1.  Mistle Thrush 1 west.

Disposal Point:

Circa 100 Linnets were on the disposal point.

Haw Park Wood:

Hobby 2.

Wintersett Res:

Black Tern 1 juvenile.  (SD et al.) 

A Water Rail was in the boathouse reeds. 

A Ringed Plover flew over,  SD, PM ACP 

Botany Bay:

Whitethroat 1.   

CP Vis Mig 07.15-13.15 

Vis.Mig update @Wintersett1 - per Paul Meredith

Highlights: Spoonbill (2N), G W Egret (1W), Red Kite (1), Hobby (4), Peregrine (juv S), 

Curlew (2W), R Plover (1 N), C Sand (1), Raven (2E), Yellow Wag (1 S); 

Black Tern still on TR 13.15 hrs.

Image        Image 

      Great White Egret  ACP  P.Meredith               2 Spoonbills  ACP   P.Meredith

Wintersett 06.09.2024

Wintersett Res:

Wigeon 1.  Great Crested Grebe with 3 medium young, south west corner,

+ 4 small young north east corner.

Odonata: Wintersett Res:

A Brown Hawker was in the Willow Wood on Haw Park Lane.

Anglers CP: Lepidoptera:

A Small White,  a Large White and a Common Blue Damselfly 

were over the north west bank WRes..   Peacock 1.

Green-veined White 1.  Brimstone 1 male.

2 Willow Emerald on trees by the boathouse, WRes..

Teal 8.

Anglers CP:

A Great White Egret landed briefly, then left west at 11.22hrs.

A juvenile Peregrine flew over south, then over north bank  chasing Lapwing.

Botany Bay:

A male, small Red-eyed Damselfly and a Common Darter were seen.

Thursday 5 September 2024

Carlton Marsh

A quiet day with c100 Canada Geese and 10 LBB Gulls on the top fields, a Swallow, 2 Yellow Buntings and 2 Chiffchaffs (JP).

Jasper Pratchek has made a start on laying the rest of the southern meadow hedge.

Wintersett 05.09.2024

Wintersett Res:

Swift 1.  Wigeon 4.  A Wheatear was on the north bank. 

Little Egret 2 + 1 ACP.  A Water Rail was in the boathouse reeds.

Wigeon 4.  Mallard 81.  Kingfisher 1.  

Little Grebe 1 + 7 WRes..   Swift 1.

Anglers CP:

Garganey 1 juvenile still on shallows.  Teal 5.   Shoveler 8.

Willow Warbler 1.  Great Crested Grebe 1 fledged Young.

Mistle Thrush 13.  Little Grebe 1.

Sand Martin 1 + 1 WRes..

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Carlton Marsh

Today's best Common Sandpiper, a calling Greenshank, 3 Shoveler, 2 Little Grebe, Little Egret.

Also Wheatear, a late Willow Warbler and a Goldcrest (K. Bannister/JP/A. Corrall/J.Finch).

Wintersett + Ringing 04.09.2024

Anglers CP:

Little Egret 1.   Common Scoter 3 males.  

Common Sandpiper 1. (SD)

The juvenile Garganey was in the shallows.   Teal 3.   Snipe 1.

Wintersett Res:

Little Grebe 3  + 1 CHRes.  Shoveler 4 + 12 Anglers CP.

A juvenile Kittiwake left east at 14.12hrs.

Odonata:   A Brown Hawker was in the boathouse reeds.

67 birds were ringed today:  ACP-Pol. - Pete Smith

With Highlights of:  

 Chiffchaffs 35,  Willow Warbler 2  and  Blackcap 8. 

Of the 51 Chiffchaffs ringed here on the 2nd,  

NONE were retrapped today!

Tuesday 3 September 2024

Carlton Marsh

The Bittern hasn't been seen since Saturday, but it was good while it lasted.

Today 3 Shoveler, 3 Cormorants north, and 40 Greylags SE at dusk. A Green Sandpiper was on the wader scrape and 2 Kingfishers were around the scrape. The usual Tawny Owl showed at dusk (K. Bannister/D. Standish/Bob Embleton et al).

Wintersett - 03.09.2024 An Autumn's birding in half an hour! (Steve Denny)

 Steve Denny: An Autumn's birding in half an hour!

Wintersett Res:

A Wheatear was on the north bank,  and a Whinchat, possibly 2, 

at the boathouse end of north bank(SD).

Botany Hill:

A Redstart was on Botany Hill.  

A Spotted Flycatcher was on Botany Bay in NW corner, where you go in from the road.

Joe Woods reported

2 Wheatear on north bank of WREs. + Whinchat and Spot Fly still present also a Hobby!

Monday 2 September 2024

Wintersett + Ringing 02.09.2024

Anglers CP: 

Grey Heron 1.   Cormorant 7.

A Nuthatch was in the Willow Wood. 

The Garganey  was in the shallows. (Steve Denny)

91 birds were ringed today by Pete Smith, with highlights of:

Chiffchaffs  51,  Willow Warbler 2,   Blackcap 10,
Reed Warbler 4,   Goldfinch 2 and a Goldcrest. 
Botany Bay (Steve Denny)
Whitethroat 1.   Lesser Whitethroat 1.
3 Snipe flew east. 

Sunday 1 September 2024

Wintersett 01.09.2024

Anglers CP: 

A Ruff, a Whimbrel, a Greenshank and a Ringed Plover flew over by 10.14hrs -Pete Smith.

A Hobby flew over.  (PS, PM, AS.) 

Pochard 29.   Tufted Duck 143.   Swift 1.   Little Egret 3.

Garganey 1 juvenile in the shallows.  Teal 13.


Common Blue Damselfly 1 ACP.

Wintersett Res:

Kingfisher 1.   Goldeneye 1 female.   

Great Crested Grebe:   

3 young south west WRes.  + 4 young north east WRes.