Wednesday 4 September 2024

Wintersett + Ringing 04.09.2024

Anglers CP:

Little Egret 1.   Common Scoter 3 males.  

Common Sandpiper 1. (SD)

The juvenile Garganey was in the shallows.   Teal 3.   Snipe 1.

Wintersett Res:

Little Grebe 3  + 1 CHRes.  Shoveler 4 + 12 Anglers CP.

A juvenile Kittiwake left east at 14.12hrs.

Odonata:   A Brown Hawker was in the boathouse reeds.

67 birds were ringed today:  ACP-Pol. - Pete Smith

With Highlights of:  

 Chiffchaffs 35,  Willow Warbler 2  and  Blackcap 8. 

Of the 51 Chiffchaffs ringed here on the 2nd,  

NONE were retrapped today!

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