Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Wintersett 08.05.13

Overcast, mild, spots of rain.
Wintersett Res: Common Tern 2,  Common Sandpiper 1,  Redpoll 1,  Yellow Wagtail 1 over,  Sedge Warbler males  4  + 1 ACP
Anglers CP:  Goldeneye 1 female,  Wheatear 1 male,  Gadwall 10.  The drake Lesser Scaup performed well for photographs for quite a time late morning.  Here are selection of Kev Denny's photos showing salient ID features and also showing a dull yellow eye which is indicative of a 1st summer bird.

1 comment:

Graham Speight said...

Still not convinced about the ageing of this bird, some photos show it to have a very bright yellow eye, and the tail does not appear browny on these photos. It looks very adult-like to me.