Monday, 15 September 2014

Wintersett 15th September - Gullfest total update!!

Still very quiet with regards to migrants, although there does seem to be a lot of dispersal activity from Jays over the last few days, including parties of 10 and 11 north earlier today.

The Gull roosts were difficult again due to the continuing easterlies / almost flat calm conditions and it appears that Graham was the unlucky one tonight viewing the Top Res unbeknown to me on the Country Park. It really is hit and miss which site to pick, but the Country Park appears to be the main site at the moment.

A 2nd winter Caspian Gull was on the Country Park from 19.00 hrs - presumably the same bird from last week.

An adult Great Black-backed Gull was also in the Country Park roost, along with 17 Yellow-legged Gulls (15 adults, a 1st and a 2nd winter), bringing the area total to 19 with the two on the Top Res.

The highlight though, was a new Wintersett record of 1,859 Lesser Black-backed Gulls with 1219 on the Country Park and 640 on the Top Res. The previous record was 1,700 on July 12th 1990.

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