Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Edderthorpe, Tuesday morning

Large gulls were roosting again overnight and amongst the 175 LBBGulls were a adult Caspian Gull (the bird from last week), a adult Yellow-legged Gull and a juv Herring Gull. All had left by 06.45 hours, mostly northwards. A flock of Cormorants totalling 41 birds dropped in at 06.45 and is (I assume) a locality maximum. Pintail 1, Shelduck 1, Dunlin 14, Spotted Redshank 1, Ruff 9, Black-tailed Godwit 5. And raptors were showy this morning;- a Peregrine continues to tease the waders, a Kestrel had a similar effect when that flew over and a Common Buzzard went over.

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