Saturday, 28 September 2013

Wintersett 28.09.13

12 degrees,  cloudy,  light easterly but visibility poor.
Anglers CP Vis. Mig:  Very, very slow passage this morning. Highlights were  1 Crossbill W,  7Curlew NW at 09.52hrs and 14 Golden Plover S.
Meadow Pipit 42 S,  Swallow 23 S, House Martin 1 S, Pied Wagtail  5,  Skylark 5 E,  Chaffinch 21 W,  Siskin 1S,  Greenfinch 1 W,  Song Thrush 1 W and Mistle Thrush 1 W.
Wintersett Res: A total of  72 birds were ringed this morning including:  6 Chiffchaff,  7 Blackcap,  4 Reed Warbler and 25 Greenfinch.  2 Grey Wagtails gave Becky and Archie a ringing tick each.
Also flying: Brown Hawker 1 WRes.

Grey  Wagtail  ringed and photographed by  R Hill

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