Saturday, 14 September 2013

Wintersett vismig - Buzzard City...

The watch started from dawn thro' to late afternoon. Very slow to begin with due to early morning drizzle but once this finished birds started heading southwards. Highlights were the raptors;- Common Buzzard 25 were counted between 11.20 and 15.10 heading in a south to south-west direction and a minimum of 12 local resident birds were also seen making a day total of 37 birds. Sparrowhawks were also moving with a minimum of 5 heading southwards and at least 5 local birds seen. Two Hobbies went south at a good height in the morning. Southward passage of hirundines peaked today with 1130 Swallows, 195 House Martins and 5 Sand Martins. The highest autumn count of Meadow Pipits up to now of 215 south. And finally 16 Snipe went through. The Yellow-legged Gull was on the country park much of the day and a first-winter Mediterranean Gull was here early morning.

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