Thursday, 8 October 2020

Wintersett + Afternoon Updates! 08.10.20

 Heavy rain until 10.00hrs, then dry, with long sunny spells  and a light, north westerly breeze. 

Anglers CP: Whooper Swan 1 adult.  Black-necked Grebe 1.  Little Grebe 7  + 5  CHRes. + 9 WRes.. Wigeon 151 + 38 CHRes. + 23 WRes..  Teal 20 + 8 WRes.  Dunlin 1.  Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult.  Snipe 3.

Cold Hiendley Res: Swallow 2. Kingfisher 1.  

Haw Park Wood: Crossbill 1 calling on the middle path.

Wintersett Res: Steve Denny was watching a European Hornet - Vespa crabro,  near the boathouse bench. At 15.38hrs he saw  a Cream-crowned Marsh Harrier hunting around the Res.  It flew aound Cold Hiendley Res, before returning and dropping into the boathouse reeds. It flew out from there at 16.20 hrs and flushed, and nearly caught,  a juvenile Garganey from a weed mat on the Res. - a new bird fot the year list!  The Marsh Harrier  continued to hunt over the north bank reeds  and the Garganey returned to the weed mat and continued feeding.  Shoveler 44 + 15 ACP + 6 CHRes..  Goldeneye 4 females. Cormorant 5.  Chiffchaff 1. Pintail 1.  Kingfisher 1.  Reed Warbler 1 in boathouse reeds.  A Water Rail was in the west bank marsh.

Garganey    WRes.   SDenny    08.10.20

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