Thursday, 1 October 2020

Wintersett + Vis.Mig + Ringing 01.10.20

 9 - 14 degrees with sun, 3/8 cloud and a light north easterly.

Anglers CP VisMig:per @grayspeight

Going east: Pink footed Goose: 680 in 12 skeins between 08.45 and 09.50. 

Going south: Skylark 90,  MeadowPipit 92, Swallow 36 , Lesser Redpoll 63. Song Thrush 2.  Mistle Thrush 1.  Alba Wagtail sp. 10, Chaffinch 10.  Linnet 10.  Reed Bunting 9.  An almost 'white' Common Buzzard,  not a local bird,  and clearly a migrant.

Anglers CP: 3 Black-necked Grebes still present. 

Winterset Res: Reed Warbler 3 on north bank. Chiffchaff 10.

25 Birds were ringed: Chiffcaff 6.  Reed Warbler 1.  Goldcrest 3.  Reed Bunt 4.  Lesser Redpoll 9.  

Lepidoptera:  Comma 1 in Willow Wood.

Odonata: Migrant Hawker 1 Pol ACP + 1 boathouse reeds WRes.

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