Monday, 3 October 2016

Wintersett 03.10.16

The first grass frost of the autumn,,  3 degrees, misty and calm.  Light easterly cleared the mist gradually.   Then  up to 10 degrees, sunny with scattered cloud.
Anglers CP Vis. Mig: 07.45 - 10.15hrs.
Going south:  Meadow Pipit 44.    Pied Wagtail 29 (including a flock of 19).   Swallow 14.   Linnet 3.  Siskin 2.
Going west:  Song Thrush 2.   Reed Bunting 3,  Redwing 1 + 1 WRes.   Chaffinch 2 +  1S.
Also:  Skylark 6 NE.  
Anglers CP:  Dunlin 1,   Water Rail 1 and Cormorant 52.
Wintersett Res:  Chiffchaff 2 + 1 ACP + 1 HPLane.    Cetti's Warbler  3 (1 male north bank and 1 male west bank chasing another) .     Teal 8 + 3 CHRes.   Goldeneye 1 female. 

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