Saturday 17 September 2022

Netherwood Country Park - Camberwell Beauty 17.09.2022

Gary Lindley had a very nice surprise this morning,  

when he found a pristine Camberwell Beauty  at Netherwood CP.   

Local birders were alerted and arrived to share the joy.

The Camberwell Beauty was perched in rough vegetation,  

at the far end of the CP,  with its wings held  upright.  

It opened it's wings frequently  to reveal it's full glory over the next couple of hours.  

 It moved position several times before flying off over the hedgerow and was lost to view.




Camberwell Beauty  Netherwood CP  17.09.2022  PMeredith   


Cliff Gorman said...

Brilliant, well done Gary, and on the local patch that you have been dedicated to watching for years.

Ian Morris said...

Great record! I actually have a specimen which was found moribund in a greenhouse in Goldthorpe. My specimen (set by me) is dated August 1994.