Friday 5 May 2023

Carlton Marsh (Thursday 4/5/23)

Today was another great day, a Little Egret was on the wader scrape with a pair of Teal and the Garganey pair moved between the main scrape and the Whin pool (Richard Laverack).

A Quail was singing at around 11.20hrs from a wheat field near the little bridge over the dike on the footpath back to Cudworth. It was still there at 16.00hrs (CG). This is the first since June 2011.

Then at 13.10hrs a male Marsh Harrier flew up the valley and spent about 3 minutes hunting over the reedbeds before leaving through the trees on the embankment at 13.14hrs. (CG) (Looks like this bird was picked up at Wintersett about an hour later). This is only the second record of a male here.

Also of interest, a female Grey Wagtail dropped in front of the hide, a few Swifts, House Martins and a single Sand Martin headed north. There are now 3 singing Cetti's warblers, and a pair of Grey Partridge were located in Carlton pit yard.

This evening a pair of Redshank were on the wader scrape (Dave Standish). 

Garganey (Richard Laverack)

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