Thursday, 16 September 2021

Carlton Marsh

A Willow Tit called and sang briefly near the ringing ride just after dawn (SE3709).  Catches are still low here 1m Blackcap, 1 Reed Warbler and 2 Chiffchaffs.

A Grey Wagtail flew north, 3 single Meadow Pipits high south, 2 Buzzards were in the air, 30 House Sparrows was notable and 4 Wigeon were our first this year! (JP/CG)

An adult Mute Swan Yellow Y643 came waddling down from the car park and was ushered into the dike for safety. This is not one our birds, it must have crash landed.

2 Foxes were hunting the wader scrape.

Butterflies enjoying the autumn sunshine were 19 Red Admiral, 4 Comma and 17 Speckled Wood (L & A Corrall).

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