Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Carlton Marsh

The wader scrape is pretty full right now so no waders yet, but a few big gulls included 7 LBB and 3 Herring Gulls with the first 3 juvenile Black Headed Gull juveniles from elsewhere. A pair of Dabchicks have one well-grown young with them.
5  Siskins were feeding on Silver Birch seeds along the embankment and at least 3 Song Thrushes were in full cry.
A pair of Dabchicks on the main scrape were accompanied by several Tufted Ducks, 2 Kingfishers and several juv. Reed Warblers feeding on very small green caterpillers on Common Reed.

Littleworth Park Yesterday
12 species of butterfly included Small Copper, Red Admiral, 2 Comma, 416 Meadow Brown and 228 Ringlet. (Chris Parkin)

Carlton (last night)
Dave Smith caught a Small Ranunculus in his garden moth trap. If you include the Angler's one taken on 28/6/20, this is the 5th record for barnsley of this once extinct moth. Cudworth & Old Moor 2013 and Wombwell 2018.
 Small Ranunculus (Dave Smith)

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