Saturday, 4 July 2020

Carlton Marsh

On the wader scrape this morning 32 LBB and 30 Herring Gulls. (JP)

This evening 1 Sand Martin with c30 House Martins, a Green Sandpiper and a Little Egret. At least 3 fledged Chiffchaffs were being fed by the parent birds.

This juvenile female Peregrine came down in a garden in Monk Bretton today. Karen Pickard contacted Ian Fletcher from Clayton West, who has nursed this type of bird back to health before. As its wings were good, he tried to release it in a lane nearby, but it couldn't stand so he took it home with a view to taking to a specialist for an assesment tomorrow. He had been home about half an hour when he phoned Karen to say it was frothing at the mouth and what was coming out of the vent was a sign that it could be from poisoning.
Ian is going try and get the RSPB to carry out a PM to try and ascertain if it was poison that killed it.
Thanks to Karen and Ian Pickard for caring enough to try and save the bird. It is almost certain to be one of the Adargh Glassworks fledged juvs.

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