Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Wintersett 21.07.20

13 - 18 degrees with 7/8 cloud and a light north westerly.
Anglers CP: Bird of the day was a Blue Budgerigar that flew west!   Common Sandpiper 1.  A juvenile Mediterranean Gull came in at 09.00hrs and left north at 09.35hrs.. Oystercatcher 1.    Tufted Duck 7 very small young. 
Wintersett Res:  2 Green Woodpecker were in the south east corner.  An adult Dunlin was on the boathouse slipway.  Goldeneye 1 female.  Mallard 2 small young off the west bank.
Haw Park Wood: 4 Crossbills flew over the woodyard.   Siskin  2.
Cold Hiendley Res: An eclipse drake Mandarin, presumably the same bird seen on Wintersett Res. on 30.06.20.  A Grey Wagtail was on the spillway.
Lepidoptera: A Purple Hairstreak was on Haw Park Lane.  A Ringlet was in Haw Park Wood.  A Small Skipper was at Anglers CP.

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