Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Haw Park - Monday 25th

Internet down last night.
A walk round with Ralph Hibbert in the morning produced a small group of 8 Crossbills that included 5 males. Nuthatch, Treecreeper, 4 different, calling Great Spot Woodpeckers, Goldcrest and a Tawny Owl. were also of note. Another Tawny called from Willow Wood whilst we were looking at the drake Common Scotor on Wintersett.

Carlton Marsh
Coveys of 8 & 15 Grey Partridge and a Roe Deer (Dave Standish)

Today Tuesday 26th
Very quiet apart from the usual water fowl, 11 Red-legged Partridge,10 Redwing, Coal and Willow Tit and a Water Rail seen at close quarters. 2 Roe Deer were also seen.

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