Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Wintersett 12.04.2021

Wintersett Res: 

2  adult Little Gulls in summer plumage  and a Common Tern this morning.

2 female Brambling were on the east bank.   A Chiffchaff was nest building.

 Anglers CP:

 5 Fieldfare flew west - per @jonnybirder.   

Common Sandpiper 1 on shallows + 1 at Wintersett Res..   

Redshank 1.   Snipe 8.  House Martin 2.  Swallow 10.   Oystercatcher 4.   

A male Redstart  was in the north bank field hedge.    

Gadwall 16.  Shoveler 5 + 2 WRes...  Wigeon 12. 

The 2 adult Little Gulls moved to Anglers CP and were still present at17.00hrs.

Walton Hall: 

8 young Greylag Geese.  Oystercatcher 2.  

Golf Course Marsh:

Cetti's Warbler 1 male.

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