Monday, 4 May 2020

4/5/20 Wharncliffe Chase (south) + Greno Woods

Early fog at dawn eventually cleared. Highlight was a singing Wood Warbler in Greno Woods, heard next to where I park as I was just about to leave.

There appears to have been an influx of Blackcap, Garden Warbler (4) and Tree Pipit (9) with most of the latter congregated on the track to the farm. Also, 9 Wheatear, 25+ Linnet, 25+ Skylark, 11 RL Partridge and 20+ Goldfinch.

Meadow Pipit, Song Thrush and Raven were all seen carrying food to nests. 3 male Stonechat were on separate territories plus 2 Cuckoo were seen. Also Swallow, 3 Reed Bunting, Kestrel, Sparrowhawk (m), 4 Lapwing, Heron, Green Woodpecker and 2 Siskin seen plus Redstart and Snipe heard.

Unfortunately, I failed to see the Whinchat and Hobby reported yesterday but hopefully soon.


Andy Hill said...

Great sightings Dave!

Cliff Gorman said...

Yes Indeed!