Tuesday, 23 July 2013

storm brings autumnal feel

Morning at Old Moor where the storm kicked off a bit of wader passage. Full highlights: Little Egret, 2 Wigeon, 3 Green Sands' (adults), 2 Common Sands' 3 Turnstone (Wader Scrape), 4 Redshank (3 juvs). 2 Common Sands' and 2 Green Sands' were at Broomhill Flash at same time (JES) thus a autumn max so far of 5 Green Sands'. This is noticeably low for this time of year when birds are assumed to be failed breeders so hopefully this might indicate they are having a good breeding season?

One of three Turnstones on Wader Scrape - John Hewitt

Edderthorpe Flash early am (GJS): 2 Little Egret,12 Ringed Plover, 4 LRP, 5 Dunlin, Turnstone, 2 Common Sands'.

And late news from last night: Hobby @ Broomhill and female Common Scoter briefly on Mere then left south (JMT).

And even later news from Adwick is that the Spoonbill was present Sunday til 6am when it flew off, probably to Denaby?

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