Friday, 26 July 2013

Wintersett Red Kite 26.07.13

23°C hot, humid and sunny this morning, clouds building this afternoon.
Anglers CP: Highlight today was a Red Kite, in wing moult, circling north of the park and them left west at 14.30hrs.    Oystercatcher 3 adults and 3 juvs.
Wintersett Res:  Pochard 7,  Common Tern 9 adults,  Yellow Wagtail 1 ♂ + 1 ACP.  Great Crested Grebe young 1 + 3.  Grasshopper Warbler 1 ♂,  Mallard 4 very small young.
Moths trapped last night included:  Crescent Striped,  Olive,  Plain Wave,  Muslin Footman,  Silky Wainscott,  Pinion-streaked Snout,   2 Scarce Footman and 2 White Satin.
Butterflies were evident in huge numbers today, with Large and Small Whites everywhere.  A White-letter Hairstreak was seen on elm on NE bank WRes.
Thanks to Lynz for a great selection of photos.
Green-veined Whites                                       LH
6 Spot Burnet moth                          LH
Ringlet                                            LH
Peacock                                         LH
Black-tailed Skimmer                                            LH

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