Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Wintersett 16.07.13

Sunny and 26°C by mid morning with a light south westerly.
Anglers CP:  Common Tern 2,  Yellow Wagtail 1,  Tufted Duck 1♀ still sitting on raft,  Goldeneye 1♀ and Teal 1.
Cold Hiendley Res:  Gadwall 1♀  + 6 medium young and Mallard 4 medium young.
Also flying:  4 Spot Chaser 1 WRes.. 

Please can anyone identify these flies seen on the edges of  Anglers lake and in other shallow water bodies. They are all very active and those with white wing tips  occasionally landed and flicked their wings in a courtship dance. I can't find any pictures or information that matches them on the internet. 
?   flies                                            P Meredith
(Thank you Oxycera and also Chris Bowers, who sent a message, for coming up with Poecilobothrus nobilitatus. I found this link with more info.

Here's another insect for ID confirmation.

       ?                    LHarston
( thanks Oycera for identification - Empid)

And here's 2 for comparison.
Meadow Brown - 1 white dot in the eye-spot.          L Harston

Gatekeeper - 2 white dots in the eye-spot             L Harston 


Cliff Gorman said...

2 more White-letter Hairstreaks in south east corner of Wintersett Res after we left you.

oxycera said...

Top flies dolichopodids - Poecilobothrus nobilitatus.

One below an Empid

One in flight with Meadow Brown could be Chrysops (horsefly)

ASmith said...

Thank you Oxycera and also Chris Bowers, who sent a message, for coming up with Poecilobothrus nobilitatus. I found this link with more info.

Here's a link with more info about Empiidae.

Thanks Cliff. Ralph identified the plant we saw this morning as Prickly Ox-tongue.

Cliff Gorman said...

Yes spot on Ralph. It's otherwise known as Bristly Ox-tongue (Picris echioides)