Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Carlton Marsh

I must say I envy the resources being put into the Dearne Valley, hopefully one day our reserve might see some investment. However, for now everything has to be done by hand. Vegetation removal of one of the islands is nearing completion, the idea being to create a bit of mud and bare ground to attract wading birds. So while I was doing this a buzzard was overhead and a Red Admiral whizzed past me. 3 hours later and within 5 minutes of returning to the hide 3 lovely Kingfishers were on their respective perches fishing.

This ones for Oxycera, it was taken in a Cudworth garden today


oxycera said...

Rutpela maculata; I must admit I still prefer the old name Strangalia (sign of old age).


Cliff Gorman said...

Thanks again John