Saturday, 21 June 2014

Old Moor nocturnal report - Friday 20th June

Longest day and still acceptable light at 22.30.

Mere - Oystercatcher 2 adults + 2 young, Teal 2 drakes, Common Gull 1, Common Tern 2.

Wader Scrape - Wigeon 3, Teal 11 drakes + 1 female, Pochard new brood, Avocet 4 adults + new brood of 2, Redshank 8 (3+ juvs), Oystercatcher 3, Common Tern 4, Barn Owl 1.

Main Marsh - Mute Swan 18, Little Egret 1, Wigeon 1 (4 in total), Pochard new brood of 5, Oystercatcher 2, Barn Owl 1, Cuckoo 1 male.

Broomhill - female Pheasant + 4 chicks crossing road.

Other birds seen today in area included the following:- Black Necked Grebe, Marsh Harrier and Hobby at Broomhill. Bittern at Old Moor.

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