Thursday, 12 June 2014

Cudworth Common

A pair of Mute Swans have 3 fledged cygnets and it was pleasing to see several Black-tailed Skimmers on the wing.
In the woodland areas were 2 singing Garden Warblers, loads of Whitethroats and Blackcaps, 5 male Brimstone butterflies and 110 Bee Orchids near the carved Badger seat. Southern Marsh and Spotted Orchids are also present. A Cuckoo seen at the western edge of the site didn't sing or call.
Storrs Mill Wood area (Chris Parkin)
Buzzard 2, Treecreeper, Grey Wagtail and 2 Kingfishers. 16 species of butterfly included 8 Red Admirals, 2 Ringlets, Brown Argus, Large Skipper and Meadow Brown. Moths included Chimney Sweeper, Blood Vein and Gold Spot.

1 comment:

Ian Morley said...

Careful now Cliff, you've mentioned insects... don't mention weeds or you will have complaints.