Friday, 27 June 2014

Old Moor Nocturnal Report - Friday 27th June

Mere - Oystercatcher 1, LBB Gull 21 dropped in just before dark.

Wader Scrape - Wigeon 2, Teal 16, Avocet 1, Oystercatcher 1, Redshank 1, Common Tern 7, Common Gull 3, Black Headed Gull 1000's roosting in the heavy rain.

Main Marsh - Mute Swan 20, Wigeon 1, Teal 1, Tufted Duck broods of 8 and 5, Oystercatcher 4, Barn Owl 1.

Roost in Willows on Willow Pool - Grey Heron 1, Cormorant 4, Little Egret 7 - all Egrets were in when I arrived at 20.30, they could be seen from both the Wader Scrape Hide and Wath Ings Hide but were well in the trees and 7 were the most I saw together, there could have been more.

One year ago yesterday the Night Heron appeared at Old Moor, no Night Heron this year (yet) but instead we have had the Glossy Ibis with us since the 3rd May, not bad eh.

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