Monday, 23 June 2014

Wintersett 23.06.14

20°C,  6/8cloud,  humid with a light north westerly.   Rather quiet here.
Wintersett Res:  A Grasshopper Warbler was reeling in the NE corner.    Grey Wagtail 3 on spillway.
Anglers CP: Little Grebe 1,  Great Crested Grebe 9 adults + 3 young.
Butterflies: White letter Hairstreak 2 on Haw Park Lane..


Simmo said...

We might take a trip up on Friday (weather permitting) to look for the hairstreaks, is there any particular area where they might be found please ?

ASmith said...

They are on Wych Elm on the righthand side of Haw Park Lane going towards the wood, through the metal barrier, near the first bend opposite an oak on the left. It has to be sunny to see them - right at the top of the tree.