Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Wintersett 25.06.24

18°C, warm with sunny spells and a  very light easterly.
Anglers CP: The regular 1st Summer Little Gull was present.   Teal 1m,  Goldeneye 1m,  Lapwing 2 young + 3 young Botany Farm,  Common Tern 4 adults + 1 large young and Oystercatcher 5 adults.
Wintersett Res: The regular adult Yellow-legged Gull was hanging around.  Grasshopper Warbler still reeling in the NE corner.
Odonata: Emerald Damselfly 1  and Common Darter 1  (Moorhouse Lane Big Pond)

Parent bug nymphs  - Elasmucha grisea ACP     ASmith

Parent Bugs do just  that.  Here's a link for more information.

1 comment:

Cliff Gorman said...

Never seen this phenomenon before Ange, nice one.