Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Wintersett 18.06.14

Up to 19°C,  8/8 early doors,  but sunny and hot from 10.30hrs, with a light south westerly.
Anglers CP: 27 pairs of Black-headed Gull are breeding on the islands.  Lapwing 2 young.  Oystercatcher 2 adults and 2 young. (The remains of the 3rd young Oyc are on the reserve - possibly Sparrowhawk predation).   Common Tern 4, Green Woodpecker 1.
Wintersett Res: Water Rail 1. 
Cold Hiendley Res: 3 juvenile Grey Wagtails were on the spillway. 
Haw Park Wood: A Nuthatch was in the woodyard and a Treecreeper was sunbathing in the same area.

Catching rays  - Treecreeper               PMeredith
Non-birds: A froglet on HPLane was the first of the year.
There were localised mass emergences of Common Blue Damselflies on Anglers CP  with 'normal' numbers emerging  on WRes..    Results were as follows. (per PM)

South bank CP

East bank CP


East bank  WRes. 


CHRes. spillway area


Moorhouse Lane ponds



Some birds enjoyed a feast of Tenerals (young, soft and tender damselflies) which were also in abundance around the lake.                                       

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