Monday, 16 June 2014

Old Moor nocturnal report - Monday 16th June

Mere - Black Necked Grebe 1, Teal 3 drakes, Oystercatcher 5.

Wader Scrape - Garganey drake, Teal 11 drakes + 2 females, Shelduck 1, Avocet 5 adults + 1 chick, Oystercatcher 1, Little Ringed Plover 2, Redshank 6, Common Tern 4, Barn Owl 2.

Main Marsh - Mute Swan 16, Wigeon 1 drake, Little Egret 1, Common Tern 1, Barn Owl 1, Starling many but no count as already in Willows when I arrived.

Other birds in area today included, Old Moor - Cuckoo, Hobby and 3 Curlew. Broomhill - Black Necked Grebe, Water Rail and 3 Grasshopper Warblers around top of Everill Gate Lane. Wombwell Ings - 2 Avocets and 32 Lapwings.

1 comment:

Neighbour said...

Got a message at 8-30am Glossy Ibis at Adwick. It had left when I arrived about 10. Just about to leave at 11 and it dropped back in.. Also Redshank, Avocet and various....... :-)