Friday 6 June 2014

Golden Oriole?

I was walking along the railway to Houghton Washlands yesterday at mid-day to see the Glossy Ibis when I saw what I took to be a male Golden Oriole from the trees on the left side of the path. It subsequently moved across the river south into a group of willows. I saw it in flight on 4 occasions and, having see them in Italy, have some confidence that the recognition was right. Unfortunately 2 other birders that I met missed the moment and we couldn't cross the river!
Can anyone confirm?
Birder Bob


Graham Speight said...

Sorry Bob, if anyone had seen a Golden Oriole in the area we would have expected to have heard by now. I was there at dawn yesterday and there certainly wasn't one singing at that time. Nor this morning.

Cliff Gorman said...

Oddly enough there were unconfirmed reports of this species near Storrs Mill River bridge a couple of years ago by a dog walker

Bernard Emson said...

It's possible there could have been a sighting of a Golden Oriel, let's give people the initiative to go and look, never say no.

Birder Bob said...

Keep looking chaps!