Friday, 16 January 2015

Wintersett + Gull Roost 16.01.15

4°C, cold with sunshine and showers, and a light to moderate westerly.
Anglers CP:  Goosander 19
Wintersett Res: Pink-footed Goose 70 W at 12.05hrs  and 120 W at 12.10hrs.. Water Rail 1.
Wintersett Res Roost:  The juvenile Glaucous Gull flew in at 15.37hrs. A juvenile Iceland Gull was in at 16.10hrs,  a 2nd W Caspian Gull at 16.20hrs and an adult Iceland Gull at 16.43hrs..
NB: Eccup Res had a Yellow-legged Gull per @andyjowett
Rufforth area had 1stW Caspian Gull at 11.00hrs  per @YorkBirding

1 comment:

Ian Hey said...

The juv Glaucous Gull was on Anglers from 1500 to 1535 then flew to Top Res.